Thursday, January 27, 2011

Seminary Video

Our colleagues in Mozambique prepared this nice video of the seminary in Maputo.

Hope you enjoy it!  If all goes well, you should be able to click on the link below and see the video in U-tube.

It is only 3 minutes and 39 seconds long.

Dave and Ann

Maputo Biblical and Theological Seminary Video

Friday, January 21, 2011

Reporting In

Last weekend, we were privileged to speak at Jonesboro UMC church in Sanford, NC.  It had been something like 5 years since visiting this church and as before we were warmly welcomed.  It is the only church we have visited with two concurrent services, a contemporary service and a traditional service.  So, how can you be two places at the same time?  - you preach early in one and late in the other, but it really does focus you on your times - got to finish on time to not keep the other services waiting.  This would never work in Mozambique where time is, well, relative (I think Einstein established that also!)

  In addition a spanish speaking church meets concurrent with the third service and we were able to speak in all four services!  Pastor Preston really has his work cut out for him on Sundays!  We were so comfortable in our host's home, we had to pry ourselves out of there to continue on travels.  We always leave so encouraged as we try to challenge people in their own Christian walk and encourage them through what amazing things God is doing across the world.

Sunday night we were in Clinton, NC, where we stayed with a couple who served in Brazil for many years with OMS.  We call them Uncle Bill and Aunt Dorothy and Bill traveled with us on our very first trip to Mozambique back in 2004.  We are very attached to them and enjoyed getting reacquainted and practicing a bit of Portuguese as well.  Dorothy pastors a nearby church.  I especially enjoyed listening to Bill's reminiscing about the exploits in the mission field; trying to learn from his experiences.

On the way up, we visited with Ann's cousin Stephanie in Florence, South Carolina.  We enjoyed spending most of a day with them and I thought you might enjoy the photograph to see the strong family resemblance.   It turns our that one of her sons is in school at the University of South Carolina an attends the church in Columbia where our daughter Sarah was married and where we've been attending while in South Carolina.  It is a small world.

With a break in the weather, we made a quick run to the cabin to get things we need for our travel schedule.  Calls to our neighbor revealed that indeed the road was pass-able.  We still had a good foot of snow on the driveway and dug a path to the cabin, calling someone with a plow to get us cleared out!  But the weather break was short, so we sceedadled (is there such a word?), getting up and down with our trusty snow-chains.  The fuel oil tank is getting low, which is a concern.  We're on the list to get refilled, but by the time we come back to the top of the list, the roads may not be clear!  We pray that all works out because I'd hate to see the water-lines freeze from lack of heat!

This coming weekend will find us in Nashville for the dedication / baptism of our grandson and then a quick visit to Dave's mother's house in Alabama where he will arrange transport of a player piano back to Idaho.  Dave's mom is moving into an assisted living situation and the contents of her house are being liquidated.  The piano has been in the family for a few generations, works well, and will go back to our Idaho family for passing along.  It's not like we can take it to Mozambique!

We've updated the blog a bit - learning new things.  We've added our schedule on the right and also a listing of the various ministry project numbers that support what we do in Mozambique.  People ask us about these from time to time, and it provides a convenient place to list them.

Our colleague, Larry Weil, has developed a nice video of our seminary in Maputo that I hope to provide a link to in the coming days!

This morning, I was studying Psalms 1 and pondering what it means to have 'delight in the law of the Lord' and how we might 'meditate on it day and night'.  We are blessed if we do so and the Psalm ends with a promise that he will watch over us as a result.  What a great thing to know that the Creator of the Universe actually will watch over us!  But also, we are declared righteous in this last verse, apparently a function of walking in the right path, delighting in the Lord, and the scriptures themselves.  I don't know about you, but I find it very difficult to meditate on something day and night and if I have to 'do something' do be righteous, I find would find that very discouraging.  But, praise God, we have Jesus!  We know that no one is righteous, no not one (Romans 3:10), but yet righteousness comes through faith in Christ (Romans 3:22).  It is through Him and our love for Him that we continue moving towards the prize or as Paul puts it ""I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 3:14).  But he clarifies in verse 16 that our hearts desire would be to "only let us live up to what we have already attained!"  Through faith in Christ, we attain righteousness.  We already have it and that is the peace we can have, the work is finished, and even in our short-comings, we are declared righteous and our Creator, full of mercy and grace, actually watches over us in a personal and loving way.

I don't know about you, but I find great comfort in that.  We are declared righteous by faith in Christ - we simply ARE, despite our weaknesses and human frailties, and we can know that God watches over us and guides us as we submit to Him.  What peace, what joy that brings in the endless uncertainties of life.

Blessings this day.

Dave & Ann

"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Whatever he does prospers.....For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous....." Psalm 1

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year Covenant

What a winter it has been - we've been snowed-in in South Carolina for the past two days - how can that be? This is South Carolina for heaven's sake! The ice age has returned - wooly mammoths are around the corner chased by sabertooth tigers. I'd better get my spear sharpened and my traps set.

Our hosts have told us that we have to leave - we bring bad weather with us where-ever we go!

This past Sunday evening we attended a special covenant renewal service. We've had the fortune to attend this special service two different years. The teaching by Sinclair Ferguson came from Lamentations 3:22-27 with the following points:
1. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
2. God's mercies are unending and they are new every morning
3. His faithfulness is so very great.
This was after contextualizing this book, which was written after Jerusalem had fallen to the Babylonians, and the world as they knew it had completely ended. The unthinkable had happened; the judgement of God had come.

The message focus was on God's faithfulness, and with that we renewed the following covenant that I would like to challenge our readers with as well:


I am no longer my own, but yours.
Put me to what you will,
Place me with whom you will.

Put me to doing, put me to suffering;
Let me be employed for your or laid aside for you,
Exalted for you or brought low for you.
Let me be full, let me be empty;
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things
To your pleasure and disposal.

And now, O glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
You are mine and I am yours. May it be so!

And may the covenant which I have made
here on earth
Be confirmed in heaven.


May this be your covenant and prayer for this new year.

Dave & Ann

"Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide,
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see:
All I have needed thy hand has provided
Great is they faithfulness, Lord, unto me."

from the hymn we all know.....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Meanwhile Back at the Cabin

We checked with our neighbors at the cabin in North Carolina. We have things there we need to get within the next two weeks. Our neighbors on the mountain have basically been snowed in since Christmas and there are no plans to plow out until next Tuesday or Wednesday. The drifts are over waist high and the temperature is below zero.

I had insulated the water pipes under the cabin and we left the heat up a little but I worry about the water filter freezing under the house which isn't insulated. My plan was to put heat tape around it but the weather has not been cooperating!

If they plow Tuesday, we might be able to make a quick run before next weekend, when we will be speaking at a church in Sanford, North Carolina. The following weekend is Nashville, and the next weekend we have a week-long conference in Florida and somewhere in there we need to pass through Huntsville Alabama to arrange the shipment of a old player piano (has great sentimental value within the family) from Dave's mother's house to family in Idaho as she is moving to an assisted living center and liquidating the house. We also want to pass through Knoxville, TN.

Sounds like it would be a several day process to dig out the path to the cabin once we get there! Wow!

What a blessing it has been to have somewhere in South Carolina we could 'winter' for a few weeks!

This morning I was reading in Romans (my favorite book in the Bible) and was particularly touched by Paul's words in Chapter 15 and thinking much about the lost world. As we drive through this great and blessed country of ours (America), there are churches on every other corner - people for the most part have many chances to hear and respond to the Gospel and have made their choice (of course, the great commission (Matt 28) is clear that we are to reach and to disciple those close to us and in our communities, as well as in the world). There are many opportunities to be discipled through conferences, Sunday Schools, Christian Radio, Bible studies, church services, youth groups, youth conferences and we praise God for these important and wonderful ministries. But in so many parts of the world, like where we serve, so many have not even had the chance to hear the Good News of the Gospel of Christ. May our ambition be like Paul's (see the verse below).

Much love on this Sunday. We're off to church, thanking God for his wondrous provision.

Dave & Ann

"It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation. Rather, as it is written: 'Those who were not told about him will see and those who have not heard will understand.'" Romans 15:20-21

A New Year

We are one week into the new year, rejoicing in what God has done in this past year. We are currently in South Carolina, traveling and sharing what God is doing in Mozambique. This past week we had the privilege to share in a church outside of Charleston, South Carolina. The pastor of this church and his family are dear friends to us, dating back to when we lived in Charleston with our young family all those years ago. We are very thankful for this spontaneous opportunity and it is the first time ever we ran out of prayer cards! More will go in the mail today! This was a very special time for us and a wonderful encouragement to us.

We continue to travel much, making the most of every opportunity to share what God is doing in our lives and in Mozambique. We just issued our year-end report for the church planting / multiplication program we work in and to encourage you, I’ll provide some basic statistics from that report for Calendar year 2010:

15 new churches planted

3379 decisions for Christ

At the current time there are over 890 people in structured discipleship training and 260 leaders being groomed in the Village Church Planting Program. These are statistics in the rural areas of Mozambique and do not include the seminary and larger established churches in the Maputo (capital city) area. We praise God for each of these decisions, for each of these new churches, and pray he will grow the leadership and the congregations as they learn to walk with Christ. What a privilege it is to have a small part in this work.

It is our prayer that the existing church base will grow in spiritual maturity and understanding and that there will be a renewed passion for evangelism and church planting with a concurrent emphasis to disciple those who are new in their faith.

As we think about this next year, we see that we have much that must be done before we return to Mozambique. Some specific prayer requests:

  1. We have an intense travel schedule over the coming months and need travel mercies and His presence as we go from place to place.
  2. We are a bit overwhelmed thinking about the logistics of returning to Mozambique. We need to move out of the cabin, prepare a small shipment to send back to Mozambique, decide what city it is best to fly out of (driven by the shipment), and what to do with this car we bought when we returned to the States. We are scattered between four states and would like to centralize our things back in Pittsburgh, where we have a few things in storage. We need to get this all clear in our minds so we can purchase our return tickets.
  3. We are beginning to sense a different direction when we return as we have prayed about this next term. We still would be doing church planting / multiplication, but we are sensing a bit different personal focus this next term. This may involve moving into a more rural environment but we are waiting on Him.
  4. The thought of leaving our children again weighs heavily on us. This has been a higher cost than we ever anticipated and grips us deep in our souls.
  5. We simply want to be obedient to the Call on our lives and walk confidently in that Call. It is such a privilege to be a part of the church planting movement in Mozambique.
  6. We pray that we would be used of God to make a difference. We have learned that this comes by being obedient day-by-day, where-ever God has us at the moment.
  7. Our National church leadership is key to the continued spread of the Gospel in Mozambique. Pray that they would remain faithful and obedient to God's call on their lives.

Blessings in this New Year!

The photo is Dave with precious grandson Caleb.

Dave & Ann