Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Back in Mozambique

We arrived back in Mozambique yesterday after two months in the United States. Due to weather problems, we ran for our flight out of Atlanta and although we made it (barely), our luggage did not and so we will be doing daily trips to the airport and hope that our things will eventually come in.

We returned to alot of change and mainly our office area was rearranged to the point we don't know where anything is, including our lists of what needed to be done as soon as we returned. So we decided to just go ahead and move so we can get reorganized once instead of twice. So the truck will arrive this morning and we are trusting that the place we are moving is ready to receive us! Quite a bit of chaos for our daughter Lynsey who came back with us but at the same time, but chaos is the norm here.

I know I'm feeling the stress of all of this since I came too close to the gate backing in (I've done this hundreds of times) and clipped it, requiring that me to get someone to come weld it back together - minor bumper damage is all on the vehicle. The air conditioner on our vehicle isn't working also, another stressor in this hot climate. Also, we were immediately approached by the National Church for a meeting, which we have postponned.

We logged a little less than 5000 miles while we were in the States and we didn't even touch the places we would have liked to have visited / seen. So, those places we didn't make it to this trip will move to the top of our list for the next trip. We hope to stay home a bit longer the next time because two months just didn't provide the opportunity to meet with everyone that is making this work possible. All this traveling also really impacted our ability to keep the blog up-to-date.

The OMS meetings were wonderful, instructive, and we received much training that we think will help us in the long run. Also, the annual OMS conference in Indianapolis provided much opportunity to talk about the work in Mozambique. It was also a wonderful opportunity to talk with former OMS missionaries to the field (bless their hearts as we hit them with our thousand questions!) and a new funding missionary headed this way (Aimee Howarth).

My plan is to resume our regular blog updates after the move and once we figure out how to get Internet in our new place.

Back to packing!

Thank you for standing with us.

Dave & Ann