I've been a bit negligent in writing this week. Our daughter Sarah and her husband, David, arrived mid-week for a short visit on their way home from a Summer Project in Beruit Lebanon with Campus Crusade for Christ. What a blessing for us as we miss our daughters so very much. We've had a blessed time although we fear that too many more days like today and we'll have our youngsters completely worn out! But, we've been so busy sharing, talking, and showing them what we do that I've not had much time to write! (and as it is, it's midnight now!)
Earlier in the week, we took an old but well-functioning computer to Khongolote where they had
exceeded the capability of their model-T computer they use at the pre-school and for church. In the photos, we'd taken apart the two computers and did some switching around of things and got the information all transfered and everthing working. We do this work during nap-time at the pre-school but sometimes a few wake up a little early and so we get some extra help! So, we upgraded their Model-T to a little bit more modern computer but still an antique!

We have really enjoyed showing David and Sarah around and trying to give them a glimpse of our life here. They have gone to meetings with us, meet with people at their homes, David has played some soccer with local youth and met with others in the roads and pathways. He's such a lovely young man and I enjoy very much how he looks at things and have learned much from

In Intaka, we got David, our son-in-law, busy helping prepare Shema (see photo of him pounding corn). We were visiting with a dear family that Ann likes to check on as they have some significant health issues. We enjoyed just sitting under the tree at their house talking about life. The dear lady of the house is shown below.

We met with our seminary folks to discuss the last week's progress, the new class in progress, and the plan for the next two weeks. Then, we met with our CMED guys to get updated on the village savings and loan groups and share that ministry with David and Sarah. We then met with some other missionaries, dropping Sarah and Ann
off at her ladies bible study group while the two David's did some birthday preparations (nothing like the last minute!). Eventually, we all found our way home to finally have birthday cake. Ann has been smiling alot more lately - so happy to have a daughter with her.

What is especially a joy is how David and Sarah have jumped into ministry here - they are so very easy to have here with us.
Today, we were discussing about how special all of our dear supporters are. We were reviewing some of those special stories of how God used people to so encourage us and meet a need at just that exact moment when we needed it. I don't think a day goes by that we don't offer thanks for the tremendous group of people and churches that we represent here in Mozambique. Thank all of you so very much. I pray that God will richly bless you for your faithfulness to the gospel here. I am working on our quarterly report of church multiplication statistics and when I read all the names of the people across the country who are leading people to Christ, teaching about a Hope that transends all cultures, needs and peoples, I cannot help but be overwhelmed at God's faithfulness. It is such a priviledge to be a part of this program. Clearly, God is moving and will complete the work that He has started. Thank you for being a part of the Great Commission.
PS - we checked today on the insurance claim on the wreck we were in (earlier blog) and they assure us that everything is 'in progress' and we can expect to be called to come get a check soon. Thank you Lord - that if we have to have an accident, the other party has insurance! Wow!
Dave & Ann
"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful!" Col. 3:15