A running log from Dave and Ann Dedrick, who served five years in Mozambique with the One Mission Society (OMS).
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tragedy in our Field

Third Generation Church

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, Amazing Love, now flowing downFrom hands and feet, that were nailed to the tree, As grace flows down and covers me.It covers me…..” Song by David Bell, Luie Giglio and Rod Padgett
Sunday, September 12, 2010
First Wedding; Mocuba Training Center
Sometimes we just get so excited about things we can hardly stand it.
We just sent in our monthly church planting report, and we were thrilled to see that 2 new churches, 62 baptisms, 217 decisions for Christ, and over 800 in structured discipleship training. This is great news. But some other things really excited us in a few emails we’ve received the last couple of days.
One is that we just had our first wedding at the Mocuba Training Center; that just thrills us to no end to see how this facility is being used for our OMS-founded denomination. And, the wedding dress is one of the ones sent by some of our dear supporters. There is something so very special about the love shown across the miles from the churches in the States to the churches in Mozambique. And then, Antonio and Theresa are the Patrinho and Madrinha (Godfather and Godmother – very important cultural role in Mozambique) and Juka officiated. We still could use an influx of cash to finish off some things at the center – I think that is always the case!
And on the 14th of August, our trainer in Ilhe, Dinis Ramos officiated a wedding there as well.
I am also including a precious picture of Milca, Juka’s daughter carrying water for the garden at the training center – you can see the center in the background and the small house. Juka will move there eventually. In addition, this other picture shows the water well that is the solution to water needs at the center in the short-term; a hand-dug well. There was not sufficient flow to support a pump type well.
I am also including a photo of Juka and Milca planting a tree - I had always cast a vision that the center would be like the SIL center in Nampula - that someday there would be big trees to cast shade and provide a respite from the heat and a peaceful place to study and learn about God. I almost cried when I saw the picture as I miss them so much.
Dave & Ann
“Do not let you hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” John 14:1