In a previous blog I wrote about the death of our friend Paulo and some about the story of how his family 'grew horns' and basically tossed his wife and kids on the street and confiscated the house and everything in it. It was unbelievable but not so unlike the true nature of man that the Bible speaks about. Olga was forced to return to her mother's house with her children with absolutely nothing.
We met with the church leadership (where they had attended) and encouraged the church leadership to help this young widow. We asked that they check with the ministry of the government that had given us such a hard time at the pre-school last year (Social Action) to see if she had some recourse. We knew there had been some changes in the law recently giving more rights to women and children and felt like this case very much warranted some interference as the new law was certainly one that would challenge culture. No one had considered this type of action because it really does tend to go against culture (the way it's always been done before) but they agreed to give it a try.
We sat with Olga in church today and it was so sad as the verses they read were as if they were written to her. She is still deep in her grief and wondering what she can do. At one point, we had to leave with her and sit a little while outside the church to console and encourage her. We prayed together and listened to her story. A priviledge we had today was to provide a small amount of money donated by a friend of the Meyers (former missionaries at CAM School). I say small, in that it was relatively small by American standards but here it is a difference between eating or not eating for quite some time. She was so appreciative and overcome by that thoughtfulness, that someone so far away could feel her pain and respond in such a loving way. She continues to grieve and wonders what will become of her and her family and I am so thankful that the church is taking such an active role in doing what they can, even though she is now living in another district (at her mother's). The church in action.....
Pray for this lady - the photo is after church - Pastor Lucas is on the left, Olga is in the middle standing with Ann.
In Mozambique, because of the scourage of HIV, malaria, cholera, and other diabolical diseases, there are many children without one or more parents. There are many widows and widowers. In Mozambique, the family unit is important and a child is classified as an 'orphan' when both parents are gone, or as in this case, only one is gone. In either case, life is not the same. Olga is holding up well under very dire circumstances and we have encouraged her to truly turn this problem over to the Creator of the Universe. No one can stand against Him. We have called on Him in this case and He is answering - may His name be praised.
Please pray for her and her three children.
This morning's verse is below:
Dave & Ann
"This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it - the Lord is His name: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:2 - 3
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