We (Ann especially) had done much preparing for the dedication service. We had an order of service that was designed to be 1.5 hours in length with a time of food and fellowship to follow. Our intention was that the service would be in Portuguese, with only one part being translated to
accomodate our Regional Director and the reading of a letter from the OMS president. Well, as the service started, a translator went up front and so we had English and Portuguese. You might not understand the significance of that subtle change, but the service just went from 1.5 hours to 3 hours.
We had about 150 people attending the event and it went really smoothly. We started by shuffling everyone out into the lobby and we then had the former director (retired) of the Department of Religious Affairs cut the ribbon opening the chapel. After a time of worship, we were challenged by the Minister of the Department of Religious Affairs (photo) on the importance of fully using the opportunities that we have before us. One of our OMS board advisors brought an inspiring message on how we can't do things our way, but rather need to seek His way; that the seminary should be a house of prayer, fully belonging to the Lord. Our OMS regional director emphasized the importance of the day; to dedicate this work and building fully to the Lord.
Afterwards, we gathered in the Lobby for refreshments and fellowship as person after person spoke to Bruce and Mabel, thanking them for their work here in Mozambique. Afterwards, we all went to a nearby restaurant for a team dinner to end the wonderful day. So, we start the new page of history tomorrow and wonder what we will see in 10 years looking back to this day that we gave this building back to God. As
the 20 current students stood up, I couldn't help but feel a great sense of satisfaction that the work has continued forward despite the hurtles and struggles. As we watched Pastor Daniel "MC" the entire service with such poise and grace, we could see Bruce and Mabel beaming as he is like a son to them.
It is so clear. God will complete what He has started. May we go forward under the shadow of His wing and on the path that He has laid out before us.
The final photograph is of the OMS team with Bruce and Mabel and Bruce Bennett. If you look closely, you can see all the photographers relflected in the windows! Note the plaque over the door although the picture isn't really the greatest.
From left to right, Aimee, Chris (teacher at CAM), Susan, Larry, Mike, Bruce, Mabel, Bruce Bennett, Ann, Dave.
Dave & Ann
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith" Romans 1:16-17
What is "Capela Callendar"?
Portuguese for the Callender chapel, named for Bruce and Mabel Callender. Becca dear, have you forgotten your Portuguese already!? ;-) You need to hurry back! Dave
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