Friday morning, we had an interesting new visitor! Where we live there is a pre-school that takes students from all over the area. Early Friday morning, the director of the preschool was at our door to see the nurse. One of the students had fallen playing soccer with others and gashed his head above his eye. He was a cute fellow but was scared to death of us, even though I remember him waving bravely at us when we would pass by the school on our way in and out. Maybe he has heard the saying said here by mothers to their kids, "if you aren't good, the crazy white people will come and take you away." It's kind of like the saying we had in the states - "good night, don't let the bed bugs bite." Crazy things we say to our children!
Here I am getting off track again. So, we're trying to assure him that we mean no harm and we won't be taking him anywhere! So, Ann cleans the wound, applies anti-biotic ointment and the band-aid and all is well. This young fellow was so brave - it had to hurt to get all the dirt cleaned out of the gash. Ann sent them back with medicine, ointment, and bandages for the next few days. He waved at us quite a bit more bravely when we headed out for our meetings!
Dave & Ann
"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
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