The well at Picoc is capped and we are now awaiting another group to install the actual pump assembly after preparing the concrete base. In this picture, Pastor Nelio is standing where the concrete base will be added. The well drilling equipment was moved out as we wait for delivery of the actual pump assembly. With the way things work here in Mozambique, it is possible that we won't see the top part assembled until the new year. Things are rapidly closing down here with the Christmas holiday approaching.

This morning (Sunday) we worshipped at our Intaka church. They were celebrating the third-year anniversary of the registration of the denomination and had invited us. I (Dave) was invited to speak and enjoyed the opportunity to talk about how God had a plan from the very beginning of the Bible to send a redeemer for His people. It was a blessing to talk about the Christmas story, of our redeemer coming to earth, teaching us how to live and yet dieing a horrible death on the cross as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. But this birth is only the beginning of the story, the power comes through Christ's ressurrection, where death is defeated and Christ stands as the sole intermediatry between fallen man and a holy God. What hope, what joy, what purpose to know that God has a plan for each of us, just as he had a plan for the redemption of all mankind, for those who would accept his free gift through belief in His son. What a story....what hope it brings and what transformed lives we can have through acceptance of this free gift; accessible through repentence and belief on the one whom God sent. And to 'seal the deal' God sends us his Spirit so we can confidently know in our hearts the reality of the story, that even as

sinful men, we can confidently approach the very throne of God because we are now sons and daughters of the most high - wow!
The last picture is in the service where many of the congregation were expressing their appreciation for the church and the pastor and his wife for their service to the church this past year.
Afterwards, we had a meal under the cashew tree (it was too hot in the church). Ann did some health checks and we visited with Senhor Jamie, who is 93 and who found it too difficult to come to church this morning with the extreme heat. He is quite frail but loves God and it is always a joy to visit with him. Ann did some medical checks and we returned home late in the afternoon. A wonderful day, but Sunday's usually are...
" All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet, "the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means, "God with us." Matt 1:22-23
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