On New Year's Eve, we were invited to a neighbor's house for a late dinner and a time of prayer to bring in the new year. This was the same day that we had the battery problem, so after the battery was fixed, we stopped at the local supermarket to get some food to take to the dinner. We had two things working against us: it was the last day of the month (pay day here) and it was the day before a holiday. The store, one of two larger groceries in the city, was packed beyond packed. There was a line to enter the store, and the check-out lines went all the way to the end of each isle - so you couldn't get down any of the isles. Ann parked me in one of the lines and ran around the store gathering things and coming back to the cart. A great strategy as she finished by the time we hit the register - and out the door. It was wall to wall people and the pushing and shoving quite aggressive at times.
Right at the front of the store, outside with hundreds of people all around, was a local blood bank doing a drive. You almost tripped over the beds going out to the parking lot. Ann snapped a few pictures. It was good to see the blood drive, but my what a different paradigm from the one I participated in my old lif
e - with the private little interview rooms, calm surroundings. I'll have to try it (give blood) in this environment sometime. In the past, I gave blood about four times a year, year after year, until they didn't want it anymore because I had visited Africa. I'm sure they can use it here! If you are a anxious blood donor - this wouldn't be the place!
But maybe not - I was bitten on my arm in four places by something while we were visiting in a home in Khongolote last week. I have these four big welts - we've tried all sorts of things, but they won't go away. Not mosquitos - something else - possibly a spider although friends think it might have been a certain kind of millipede. It looks horrible but doesn't hurt - no better - no worse - the only side affect is that I wake up some nights holding on to the ceiling or half-way up the wall (heh heh!). So - maybe they wouldn't take spider blood. ;-)
"He who has knowledge spares his words, And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit." Pr 17:27
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