Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good news on Malaria

We've had an increase in the number of mosquitoes in our house with the weather starting to cool down a little. Not exactly sure why - but we have this fun tennis racket thing that has a recharge-able battery that zaps mosquitoes and other bugs. It's quite the rewarding thing - you see some mosquitoes and swing at them with the racket and "ZAP" - no more mosquito - just a fried carcass on the floor. Very satisfying in this land where people we know have died from this dreadful disease. We spray every three months to keep them under control and the guys are coming Thursday. We can always tell when it is time - all sorts of lovely critters start showing up in the house and lots of them bite!

Better living through chemistry!

I continue to see the workers in the villages spraying DDT on the walls of the houses - it is making a huge difference and lives are being saved. The most recent government report reported that the incidence of reported malaria in Mozambique decreased by 24 percent last year as a result of this program - that is phenomenal and if the program could reach more houses more quickly, it would drop even quicker. Praise the Lord! The official words are as follows:

"Health authorities confirmed the trend, saying the number of reported cases of infection fell by 24 per cent between 2007 and 2008, to 4.8 million people. The decline was attributed to stepped-up anti-malaria spraying campaigns in villages and the roll out of improved diagnostic tests and combination treatment."

I know that these are only the numbers they know about. I prayed with a man just the other day who had malaria but didn't have money for medicine, so he was just 'continuing on' without treatment. There are lots like him in this country - some survive, some don't. But, he's not treated, so a mosquito bites him and moves to the next person, spreading the disease. (He's on treatment now because we have a wonderful team of dear people who make it possible for us to be here changing one-life at a time!).


Dave & Ann

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2

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