Friday, September 25, 2009

Rick and Crystal are here

One of the delights we have is when friends come to visit. Today, we picked up Rick and Crystal, friends of ours from Idaho, at the airport. They are here to work with Habitat for Humanity and we are thrilled to have them here a few days before their assignment to show them around. We have done alot of talking tonight trying to catch up. Rick and I worked together for many years and I have always counted him as a good friend. It is our joy to show them the work and have them in our home!

As an aside, we broke down and bought a gas-powered generator for our house. Our power outages seem to becoming more and more frequent and they are lasting for longer and longer times. It seemed prudent so we can continue to function with the things we are responsible for and it will pay for itself quickly at the present rate in food we lose in the freezer. The infrastructure is so fragile here. It's not a huge generator but sufficient for lights, electronics, freezer / fridge.

"Ointment and perfume delight the heart, And the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel." Proverbs 27:9

1 comment:

Phil and Joyce Westlund said...

HI.I dont know if 1st one went thru. Anyway Jouyce and I are from Idaho and we met you 2 years ago at confenece. I,m just wondering where in Idaho Rick and Crystal live. We are in Nampa outside of Bosie.
We also live in Sun City West AZ in the winter. I read all updates about you every Wedensday.. Bless and God heal you Ann,,,Philwestlund