Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Trip North

Just a quick entry. We leave in the morning with missionary Aimee Howarth for a trip north to check on our ECC work in Northern Mozambique. The agenda is loose but an important part of the trip is agreeing on the foundation location of our new training center in Mocuba, the location of the well, and reviewing the building plans with our resident supervisor we sent up from Maputo. We have our needs and plans but I pray that we will be submissive to His needs and plans! Us 'Type A's' are always dealing with that issue!

So, I have been spending hours on trying to get various reports and business things done before we go and am still coming up short, but we must leave at zero dark thirty in the morning to make the first leg by dark. We will not have Internet access and phone access is always a bit iffy on these trips. So, - no blog entries for a few weeks. We are planning to be back in time to hopefully connect with a young lady from our home church who will be here in Maputo working at the orphanage that sponsored OMS' original entry into the country (Arco-Iris).

The meeting with the Department of Religious Affairs went very well and they accepted our new letter with what appeared to be some relief and we were profusely happy for their counsel and assistance. It was as if God had gone there before us for which we are so very thankful. So, we will remain OMS International in Mozambique, not One Mission Society. So, I need to figure out how to get all the old shirts, letterhead, pads, pencils, and the like that is left over from the name change in the States sent to Mozambique!

Thank you for standing with us.

Remember us in prayer over the next few weeks. Travel here is always a great challenge, not without danger, and our car is no young thing. May we serve Him well.


Dave & Ann

"The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy." Ps 103.8

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