Monday, September 26, 2011

Church Planting

Our passion here continues to be church planting but in a general sense, the fruit has been sparse during our absence.  But, there is something exciting happening as well.

Our desire has always been to keep the seminary and the church planting work here aligned - tracking together.  The first year of the seminary (bible college) program is very similar to what we teach in the villages over three years.  With that is an emphasis on evangelism and church planting.

One of our seminary professors (Xavier) is an experienced church planter who has excited some of the students and they are going out on the weekends and applying what they have learned in school.  With that passion and excitement, the seminary students have themselves started 13 church plants around the Maputo area, something we haven't been able to do successfully in the Maputo area.  These plants cover a variety of evangelical denominations, as our seminary represents more than just our OMS-founded denomination.  This is quite exciting to us and we look forward to seeing what God will do in the lives of these students through the works they have started. It's a vision coming to fruition.  Very exciting.

We have bought a vehicle - but today is a Mozambican holiday related to the signing of the peace accords ending the war.  We hope to get the insurance worked out in the next couple of days and we should take delivery in the next couple of days.  It's not fancy by a long stretch but it should serve us well over this next term.  I'll see about a picture in the coming days if we can get the Internet speed thing squared away.

Today we finished spraying the school and remaining houses here for mosquitos and did some heavy-duty rat baiting.  We were a bit over confident and had a small get-together this evening outside and ended up with a few mosquito bites.  Drat and double drat.... Got to be more careful with repellents and the like.  Two of our Mozambican friends came to us this morning with sick wives that could be malaria, flu, or maybe morning sickness or some combination of all of those things!  The answer is testing at the clinic, which we were privileged to help them with, but not medicines they thought we might have.

Blessings this holiday in Mozambique - from Mozambique.

Our colleagues, the Weils, have left for their well-deserved furlough and have safely arrived in Canada, for which we are thankful.  I lost track today of how many things we wished we could have asked them about!!

Dave and Ann

"Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days...Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children...."  Psalm 90:15-17

1 comment:

Katuska said...

Your news about the new church plants are so exciting!
As we are preparing to join you next year, we are working towards raising a group of pray-ers that will intercede for the work in Mozambique.
Blessings to you all!