Four times a year, we issue a listing of all the church plants in Mozambique, who their leaders are, the approximate membership, and other statistics relative to the churches. This report was just issued today and I am very pleased to report that we have our first FIFTH generation church.

This means, a church, that planted a church, that planted a church, that planted a church, that planted a church. Those are expanding circles of influence impacting multiple communities and families with the Gospel. In church planting, we talk about instilling "church planting DNA" into the churches, so it continues from one church to the next - that this gospel will branch out from one place to another to another.

I was so blessed to see this - and thank God for how His Spirit is moving across beautiful Mozambique through the dedication of wonderful men like Pastors Juka and Abel. May God guide and protect them as they do so much to change lives for eternity. Pray for this new church in a place called Chirrute.
This made my day! We serve an amazing God.
See the attached pictures of a baptisms in a
Nevogorro yesterday. Pastor Juka, my dear friend, is in the tie.
Dave & Ann
"For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation." Ps 100:5
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