We're happy to report that we are finally back on line and can resume working on our blog!! We've been back about a month now and I owe quite a bit of update.
First, the move into a new house was completed quickly and with our daughter Lynsey here to help us, we put the house into order and are finally able to find most things. The bad news is that most of our furniture was broken in some fashion during the move, but we've even managed to repair most of that as well - is a part of how you move here - toss the stuff on a big truck and then drive on really bumpy roads! However, it has taken a very long time to get Internet service installed here and we have a different set up that uses some sort of wireless antenna/transmitter to a distant router, so we have one computer working but our wireless router seems to conflict with this new set up. We have a short-term visitor here that is very good with computers so I'm hoping we can get this minor inconvenience fixed soon.
The re-entry into the work and culture here was much more difficult than we ever expected - and in fact we were quite surprised by it. I could write a book about it at this point - all the emotion that we went through as we re-engaged into life here. But that has all passed and we're starting to get into more of a routine again and are quite encouraged at everything that is going on. We are glad to be here and it really feels like home.
Tomorrow we have a special baptism service at the church in Picoco, that was started shortly before we left for the states. We will be using a river and the day starts very early tomorrow so this entry needs to be a bit short. We have a young couple from England visiting with us and they have been a real blessing and encouragement to us. They are seeking God's direction for their lives and we are absolutely thrilled to have them here helping us and the field with the work although I am thinking about losing their passports so they have to stay a little longer! The young lady is a dentist and we have some clinics scheduled and have had some small sessions in our churches already. It's a great medical outreach and we are blessed to have her here. The young man is a math teacher and he was quite impressed with our missionary children school and is looking foward to helping out with the start-up of the school this next week.
Today we had our routine meeting with the church leadership (picture above) and it was nice to spend time with them again and get caught up on the various things in progress. After the meeting, we drove out to Khongolote and met with our ECC coordinator. A new training session begins next week with a new group of potential ECC trainers and we are looking forward to seeing how this develops. Also, we have some OMS friends coming over from South Africa next week to help us start a Bible story telling ministry within our churches where the Bible is taught through drama. We have 30 people signed up.
We have been blessed by vacation bible schools and supporters in the United States who have raised funds for water wells in our churches and we are making the arrangements now to start drilling wells. We really look forward to sharing pictures and stories about the impact of these wells in the communities. Thank you so very much!
Our new home is about 16 kilometers out of the city. It is close to our work in T-3 and Khongolote and not that far if we need to go into the city. The house is smaller and one-story, which we like but we still have room for people who may come to visit and see the work. It is "in the country" in a sense and much quieter in the evenings. We think we are going to really enjoy this new location.
I'll start trying to be a bit more regular now that we have Internet service and we appreciate your patience with us. It has been surprising what an inconvenience not having the Internet has been!
The ECC work in the north continues to grow rapidly and I am in awe at how God is moving across Mozambique. Like Ann says, our's is the easy job, just go and tell, God has the big job of moving the hearts of men. I will need to write more about our ECC challenges and programs in future blogs! We are preparing for a team from Ireland who plan to do some ministry with our ECC country coordinator in the northern part of Mozambique.
Thank you for standing with us so faithfully!
1 comment:
Great to hear from you again. It sounds like you are settling in again and we look forward to how God is going to use you guys in the future for Him in MZ. Praying for you daily, and count it a privilege to be a partner in your ministry.
Love ya,
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