This last Friday, we completed the OMEGA church planting training program with our new group of potential church planters. This photo shows the class with the two instructors (Juka and Xavier) and the two ladies who helped prepare the lunch-time meals. From this group, we are sending out three young men on September 1 to begin new church planting work in Gaza, Inhambane, and the Maputo province. We distributed their training manuals and we honored them at the Khongolote church service, which is the sending church for these first three young men. It is exciting to see the impact this church has had on the work here in Mozambique. Many of the new churches can trace their roots back to this church at Khongolote, which was founded out of the massive floods of 2000 when large numbers of people from all over the country were re-settled in Khongolote.
After church, we went back up to Intaka to checked on several of the dental patients from the other day as follow-up and saw those who we'd been unable to see previously. Afterwards, Dentist Fran did two more tooth extractions at a house in Khongolote. So many people are suffering so badly here because of poor dental care. Today's extraction was on a 25 year old who had four molars completely decayed with huge holes and massive infections, and she was just living with it with great pain, headaches, and general malaise. It is very possible that her entire health situation will improve as a result of this work and we praise God for this opportunity to make a difference. This week we plan to spend time with the Khongolote pre-school as teaching the kids good dental care is a much better strategy so they can avoid these kinds of problems that Fran has seen so much of these last weeks. Fran and her husband have been such a blessing to this field and to the people of Mozambique. Mike is a computer wiz and has got the CAM school computers working well, not to mention our own here at the house. He's a bit quiet but doesn't miss a thing and he has been very helpful to me personally as he is a clear thinker and ponders things - and when he speaks it is always most useful and insightful.
Tomorrow we begin our training classes on Bible story telling, which will involve drama and is designed to help spread the gospel in areas where literacy levels are poor and in a manner that draws interest. We have over 30 people from a number of our churches signed up for this training and we look forward to seeing what will result. More to come on this!
"And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’" Mt 10:7
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