Thank you for praying. Thank you for this answer to prayer that relieves us so as we make our final preparations to return to Mozambique.
Please continue to pray about our shipment. We still are baffled by the apparent inability to ship personal effects over to Mozambique because of Homeland Security requirements. So many people tell us, oh yes, we can do that, only to say latter, 'no, we can't because of homeland security requirements.' Crazy crazy times. We are continuing to pack, trusting God in even this mundane but necessary task. We are baffled. How can any small business even survive in the face of something as simple as this? We may be going back a whole lot lighter than we thought!
Photo is of us on mother's day with our 'neat kid' as we left her apartment to walk to church. What a wonderful day it was.
Dave and Ann
"I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer. Show the wonder of your great love..." Psalm 17:7
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