Sunday, August 3, 2008


Today we drove out to Picoco to participate in this new church's first baptism service. We spoke about this new church plant much when we were back in the States as it had just started the very weekend before we left for our short trip back. I'm not sure I can express the absolutely overwhelming joy that this day has brought.

We left at daybreak to travel to Khongolote where we picked up Juka and Nelio to make the long trip to Picoco. We stopped on the way to check out the selected river, which was a tidal river from the sea, with a nice trail to the river although it was relatively low tide and the access to the water was through some pretty thick mud. We were happy with the location and then proceeded to the church. We passed another rather picturesque river on the way and I asked about that location as it looked cleaner and with easier access and was told - no, too many crocodiles. That's enough reason for me!

At Boane, we turned off the road, working our way through a market, and down a narrow road that eventually lead to the church. We had hired a small bus to help transport the church to the Baptism site and after a short service, we loaded up and headed back to the river. The picture above is at the river with the people being baptised. We spent time singing and praising God, and then proceeded with the Baptism. The singing as we had approached the area attracted many people, and much opportunity was provided for sharing and getting to know new people.

In one case, a lady who had been remarkably deep in prayer in the time leading up to the baptism, began to be quite agitated as she approached the water. When her feet hit the water, she began shrieking and crying out in a different voice. We continued to pray and I felt like I was re-living the book of Acts as we sensed demonic activity. The two pastors performing the baptism had seen this before and firmly prayed and the lady immediately calmed down and emerged a transformed lady, remarkable change, not only in demeanor but also in appearance. It was truly remarkable and a testimony to the reality of spiritual forces in this world. This lady's life was forever changed today and she emerged from the water a new person. It was remarkable and at the same time sobering as we witness the constant battle for the souls of men.

Afterwards, we returned to the church, although we did have to push the bus out of the deep sand at one point. The singing and dancing on the bus was full of joy as they celebrated the baptisms and people waved and waved as our singing bus went down the road. After the church service, in which Ann and I were both invited to speak, we celebrated with a meal together of fish and rice and just enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship. We finally returned home just before dark - a wonderful day of joy and celebration; transformed lives.

Tomorrow we start a new training class for a group of potential trainers and church planters. We will be using our T-3 church because it is more centrally located for this particular group than our seminary. We are very excited at the potential that could result from this new group.

We have been blessed by having a young couple from England staying with us the last several days. They have truly been a joy and we have become very fond of them - it was almost instantaneous and we have really enjoyed seeing how God is opening their eyes in new ways as they work with us. Their love for the people of Mozambique is evident in their every action and the people readily respond to that love. Tomorrow they will begin working at our Christian School, helping get it ready for the next school year.

"...And the eunuch said, "See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?" Then Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you may." And he answered and said, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him. Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing." Acts 8: 36 - 39

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