We have known the young man in the photo since he was a baby and he is growing nicely and so well mannered.

In an oral culture, such as Mozambique, memories are much more developed than in the Western culture where we can look up a name, check the phone book, etc. Today she asked specifically about some dear friends of ours that visited with her back in 2006 - by name. She wanted to hear all the details of their lives, their children, what they were doing and emphasized the importance that we relay her greetings, which we have done. The Mozambican's are a very gracious people and we must seem so crude to them with our "walking with purpose" and our task orientation. But Momma has looked into my heart and into Ann's heart and we have that heart connection that cannot be explain - a bond that we are truly family.
We are reading a book called "African Friends and Money Matters" by David Maranz that should be required reading for anyone coming to African to visit for an extended time or to live. This book really drives home the differences in culture and really helps explain how differently we look at things - the incredible bias we bring into the situation because of where ever we come from. The longer I am here, the more I see the layers of the onion I must shed to truly be as effective for God as I seek to be here. In this culture, it is the relationship that matters, the network you develop, and the understanding that the broad network is literally how many people simply survive day to day as everyone helps everyone else. It is a different way of thinking but I feel like I'm beginning to see it a little better - not in judgement, not to evaluate, but seemly to see how the system truly works and the tiny ripples that move out from the relationships as people help each other. It has much basis in the Bible.
I was encouraged that I was able to follow Pastor Daniels' sermon fairly well but he kept using a word (verb) over an

A great day - actually my birthday today - and Ann used one of the boxes of cake mix we brought back with cream cheese frosting she brought from the states. Five candles as we didn't want to burn the house completely down and we didn't want to catch the few hairs I have left on my head on fire!
Blessings to you.
Dave & Ann
"And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’" Matt 25:60
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