While each church touched us in different ways, the church at Rieque probably touched us the most. This area is near an area where many are digging 'precious stones' and there are various 'characters' that come and go into this area picking up these stones and taking them who knows where. I kept asking what the precious stones were, and no one could tell me - they just knew 'strangers' bought them for a little money. I suspect that people are making huge profits on the poverty of people who don't understand what they have but that is something to

Another 10 or so kilometers and we came to Rieque - where we held church under a tree. The community health needs here were overwhelming - more than we could process or even address with Ann's health kit that we carry with us everywhere we go. The young child in the photo above was quite

We sat with them and just listened as they talked about their lives, about their families, about

Ann handed out some medications to help a few but the needs far exceeded anything we could do. We're working with our National Pastor to try and access other programs that can help this village that God has put in our path. There are numerous aid agencies here that we should be able to partner with. While we have offered the most important thing - transformed lives through Christ, we must remember Christ's admonition and example to show compassion and help where we can; but the challenge is always to establish sustainable programs. It's another place we need a well, a simple church structure, and compassionate assistance that brings hope but that doesn't build dependency - the tight rope we walk every day.
My long term dream is that our seminary will produce graduates who will be willing to go to a place such as this and teach the gospel and be an advocate for the people, teaching them as Paul admonished Timothy. People so sold out for Christ that they will readily move to such a place and grow the church and open doors of opportunity.

Use all of us dear Lord in a way that brings honor to you and shows compassion to those whom you love. May we make a difference in the lives of those you bring before us. May we follow your example in power and strength, yet with humility and compassion because you first loved us. Blow Holy Spirit through Rieque; may it be a shinning testimony to your goodness and compassion. My soul cries out to you for your people in this place. Show us your plan.
"If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light shall dawn in the darkness, And your darkness shall be as the noonday." Is 58:10
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