Sunday, we visited one of our newest church plants quite close to our home actually, maybe 15 minutes by car. Church was held under a tree next to the house of a relative of the church planter. We had about 12 people who came. Afterwards, we gave a ride to one of the men to a funeral service. We went through miles and miles of narrow sand streets that just further demonstrates to us how many people live in this area surrounding Maputo. It is quite deceptive until you really get out into the areas.
Afterwards, we went with Pastor Abel to give some motorcycle familiarization lessons to him so he can begin using a motorcycle we have available for use in our Evangelism and Church Planting program - and yes, I took it for a spin - have always like motorcycles but they don't always like me as I've wrecked a few in my life but God has graciously protected me from my stupidity each time! Motorcycles or scooters are becoming a more and more common way of transportation here and there are a number of Chinese bikes here called "motorbikes in a box" that are assembled here from the parts. They are quite inexpensive and we are seeing them everywhere. The small ones don't require a license and are the ones we see everywhere as the corruption and cost to get a motorcycle license makes getting a license nearly impossible for most people.

We are preparing for a number of key strategic meetings next week in ECC and the seminary, so it will be a busy week of preparation, planning, and meetings. We are also doing a presentation on our trip north at our team meeting this week to try and explain everything we did and experienced in the north and hopefully cast a vision for the future of the program in the north.
In between the meetings we plan to get out to Picoco and get some photos of the well drilling in progress. So, stay tuned!!!
Dave & Ann
"No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light." Luke 11:33
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