We just received a report from our Christian Micro-Enterprise Development (CMED) coordinator who is in Mocuba training and establishing Village Savings and Loans (VSL) groups within our churches. His report was very interesting.
First, there is very poor understanding of the mathematics that you need for tracking and handling the money in the savings program, so he is spending much time with the VSL officers to make sure they can track things. It is very simple math, but many don't understand it in the churches he is working with.
Second, he is trying to overcome an expectation that we would sweep in and give each church a wad of money that they would then use as a group. This is a common struggle here and we are trying so hard to establish self-sustaining programs that would continue in our absence. If your program depends upon foreign dollars to continue, you have to examine carefully the issue of dependency vice independence and whether you are really helping or maybe even hurting the cause of Christ for the long-term. What a difficult road it is to walk....
He reported to us that he has mobilized the members in two churches in places called Naverua and Eta. Both VSL groups are functioning well and gathering funds that they can use for small business initiatives. He is also doing training with two other groups but he is uncertain yet if they will be able to move to the VSL phase. Either way, he is doing valuable and needed training on Christian prinicples for handling money. Part of the struggle with this initiative when you go deep into the rural areas is that the actual money available decreases as you move into a society of trade and barter. I suspect that is why he is finding more success in the areas near to the city.
We were greatly encouraged by Mario's good report and his faithfulness in ministry. Pray for this wonderful man who was willing to move out of his comfort zone for six months, moving to a different language, different culture, to serve the churches there. Pray for his protection and God's leading in His life.
Dave & Ann
"And He [Jesus] said to them, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?" So they said, "Nothing."" Luke 22:35
First, there is very poor understanding of the mathematics that you need for tracking and handling the money in the savings program, so he is spending much time with the VSL officers to make sure they can track things. It is very simple math, but many don't understand it in the churches he is working with.
Second, he is trying to overcome an expectation that we would sweep in and give each church a wad of money that they would then use as a group. This is a common struggle here and we are trying so hard to establish self-sustaining programs that would continue in our absence. If your program depends upon foreign dollars to continue, you have to examine carefully the issue of dependency vice independence and whether you are really helping or maybe even hurting the cause of Christ for the long-term. What a difficult road it is to walk....
He reported to us that he has mobilized the members in two churches in places called Naverua and Eta. Both VSL groups are functioning well and gathering funds that they can use for small business initiatives. He is also doing training with two other groups but he is uncertain yet if they will be able to move to the VSL phase. Either way, he is doing valuable and needed training on Christian prinicples for handling money. Part of the struggle with this initiative when you go deep into the rural areas is that the actual money available decreases as you move into a society of trade and barter. I suspect that is why he is finding more success in the areas near to the city.
We were greatly encouraged by Mario's good report and his faithfulness in ministry. Pray for this wonderful man who was willing to move out of his comfort zone for six months, moving to a different language, different culture, to serve the churches there. Pray for his protection and God's leading in His life.
Dave & Ann
"And He [Jesus] said to them, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?" So they said, "Nothing."" Luke 22:35
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