Saturday, October 3, 2009

Things That Get You

We recently received the insurance notification (yes we have car insurance) for our annual premium. It had gone up substantially, we think because of an accident a team member had (all our OMS cars are under the same sub-grouping). So, we knew of another agency in town that another mission agency has used with good luck. It's located smack dab in the middle of the business district in the lower part of the city. We parked on the street near the office and left a few things on the floor in the car and contracted with a couple of the hoodlums who do the parking thing in the city to 'guard the car'. (Well, they aren't all hoodlums, but many are from experience, such as when they get into a fist-fight over who will watch your car). This particular parking area was new for us and I didn't have a previous relationship with any of these folks. We locked the car and went on our way.

When we came back, with a better insurance quote in hand, we paid the hoodlums but I noticed there were about six young men hanging around the back of the car. I didn't think too much about it but at our next stop (CAM School) when I loaded up some old records to burn for our field treasurer, I noticed that someone had been through all the stuff in the back of the car and it was unlocked. I pretty well knew what had happened in town at that point. When I got home, I went through the back and was surprised that everything was accounted for although someone had certainly looked through everything.

However, today we can't find the camera although the case is in Ann's bag. We think back through the events carefully and pin it to that day. The hoodlums must have gone through the car even though it was locked and found the camera hidden away under the front. We must have caught them in the act because they had left things in disarray in the back but appeared to have not taken anything, including medicines in Ann's medicine box. I can't think of another explanation at this point. We could just nail the timing down too well.

We've heard rumors of huge magnets they are using to move the locking mechanism on car doors even if it is locked. We don't have an alarm system on ours (which most of the time is a blessing I might add) and so, we are subject to this problem. I mentioned we'd lost our jack and tools out of the hidden compartment in the back the same day we lost our headlights in front of the Weil's house (inside of 10 minutes) and I couldn't figure out how they got into the back of the car. Something is up on this. Maybe it is the type of lock on the back - but I've got to figure it out.

So, another camera bites the dust. These things really weigh heavily on you - really. You try to do things the right way, to be super careful yet not to the point of paranoia, but in this society stealing is the norm and there is absolutely no guilt if someone can 'get away with it'. Camera's are easily stolen and sold here, like cell phones. Highly targeted. I could probably go find it at the thieves market - a fellow I know did and when he showed them the photos ("see it is my camera"), it didn't matter. (In fact, he went to the police with the guy in tow and the police basically shrugged their shoulders.) We don't like to carry one (a camera) down the street either, so it is an interesting tension.

Maybe we were stupid, but we thought we had it hidden and the car guarded.

It wears on you. I basically paid a guy to steal our camera....

Dave & Ann

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me." Ps 51:10

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