Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Water in Mocuba

Belarmino advised me today that the people from Afrodrill did come today and using their mapping and equipment, determined that there isn't water under our particular location but at the lower end of the property, if we go a lot or two further (we own about 12 lots), there is water at 65 meters. Belarmino believes that the local government will work with us on this problem, that we can perhaps get those couple of extra lots so we have access to water. I have continued to have a peace about this problem and am excited to see what God will do through all of this. There is nothing we can do and how could we know when we got the property that there was no water under it when it was all around us? I think He is building our faith and I am excited to see what He will do.

So, keep praying; Belarmino is meeting with the government tomorrow. The land actually belongs to them and they have been quite amiable to work with us for which we are indeed thankful. The floors have been poured on the training center as of today and we the walls will go up over the text couple of days.

Thank you for standing with us.

We have a few pictures to share from today but we are having to recharge the camera battery, so another time.....

The car saga continues; the part we ordered from Toyota didn't arrive today, but hopefully tomorrow so our neighbors can snag the part in South Africa when they drive through and bring it to us! We're renting our school's car and it really isn't designed for the places we tend to need to go. Good meetings today, lots of things but I think this is enough for today!

Blessings. Pray for water.

Dave & Ann

"....neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with things too profound for me. Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child with his mother....hope in the LORD from this time forth and forever." Ps 131

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