At the same time, we are having some disappointing struggles in Mocuba. We are building a small training center there, which we hope to eventually turn into a seminary extension site and ministry center for the Evanglical Church of the Living Word (our Mozambican denomination). We see this as a good thing but
some of the leadership there sees this as an opportunity to push for money and material gain, as the construction would say we can do more than we are doing from their perspective. So, there is a tension building about money and why aren't we providing all these material things. It is such a difficult tension that we constantly struggle with, dependency, expectation for handouts, and people going along with church as long as they think they can get something out of it. Well, of course they can, a relationship with the very creator of the universe, a peace that surpasses understanding, and a promise of eternal life. But here, as I imagine in many impoverished places, the needs of the people are so huge, and we are so few... It is a constant tension and this expectation that we shower people with money/gifts/things never seems to let up....This week alot, we lost count of the numbers of people who came to our door or called wanting money. Don't missunderstand, we do alot but we have learned to be very careful; but it is emotionally draining beyond my ability to explain.
Today, we attended church at Picoco. The pastor gave a rousing sermon but not in Portuguese, so I hope it was a good one! They asked me to speak also, so I just sat with all the kids and did a little children's sermon - figured the congregation had already been preached to! I find this works well as the children are always shocked when I go and
sit in the middle with them and I usually get a good response from the adults as well. I have such a burden for the young children who receive so little spiritual training here. We would like to spend more time in this area as the young people are the future of this country and they receive so very little spiritual training, even in the churches. Today, we prayed with a bunch of these children and enjoyed being with them. This church at Picoco is doing well and we are so thankful for what God has done in this remote place outside of Maputo. The well continues to function well. (great play on words, well is well!)
Once of the couples we meet with who want to marry, asked to go with us as they have heard alot about this church in Picoco. So, we picked
them up in T-3 and took them with us. The fellow, Luis, helped me with translation from Portuguese to Shanghanna this morning, which is always a great help. We really enjoyed their company for the hour ride out to Picoco. The photo is of them with Ann during one of our meetings with them. They are working on a fast-track option to get married before we leave for furlough even though we are ok with them marrying while we are gone - but they really want us to participate. It's important - they have lived together a long time, but culturally, the wife does not receive honor in the culture until the marriage is complete - to the point they often do not travel together in public - so we were very glad to have both of them go with us today. They are a precious couple.
I have been spending a few days each week trying to re-furbish an old block house here on the property where we live that has been unused since about 2000. It has the great potential to be a small duplex-type of apartment that we could use as another guest house for tearms or even rent out. We continue to have a vision to eventually procure this property where we live as a ministry center. We have a stready stream of missionaries passing through using the small guest house and having another available would be a good thing or even alternate housing for us in the future. Ann pretty much coordinates the use of the guest house and the little bit of money collected is used for doing small improvements.
Yesterday, we ran out of water after dark set in and I went down to our well and was able to find an electrical problem in the motor control center for the well. I found it by nearly electrocuting myself but that is another story - when sparks fly in the dark by flashlight, you can generally find what is going on! Turns out that some wires had been installed poorly and over time had started arching, eventually burning through the insulation and breaking the wire. I love it when it is something simple and I can actually fix it! That isn't always the case with the 240 volt three-phase system I have had to figure out!
We think the car starter problem is behind us - thank you Lord! The car repair shop ripped out the alarm system and we think that some sporatic error in that system was ultimately causing the starting problem. So, we have started the car over 15 times now without problems! So finally, after a year, we have that problem sorted out! We had the work done in South Africa and had to leave the car a few days, so we did a couple of border crossings last week. There is a massive upgrade being done at the border between Mozambique and South Africa, I'm sure that was intended to be done before the world cup games next month, but it clearly won't be done by then. Once done, it should make that awful process a bit smoother as things gradually improve here, bit by bit.
Happy Mother's day. Ann received precious calls / notes from her precious pearls. There is a women's day here, but not a mother's day.
Blessings. Thank you for standing with us.
Dave & Ann
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber." Ps 121:1-3
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