Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mocuba Center Update

I thought you might enjoy the most recent photos we received on our Mocuba Training Center project progress. Actually the photos are from last week, but they are the most recent I have. The roofs trusses are being welded back at Juka's house and transported to the site because the generator isn't able to provide the current needed for the generator (they must have a big welder!).
We had a meeting with our OMS advisors today. It went well although only two of the four were able to meet with us. We (the OMS Field Team) updated them on our seminary program, CAM school, and denomination's efforts to write a governance manual, and the church planting work. We came away a bit discouraged personally after the meeting because of some of the comments made during the meeting, but tomorrow is a new day. We did gain valuable counsel from our advisory board members.
"And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation,...." Romans 15:20

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