The weather has cleared and the road was cleared and we were able to dig out and make it down the mountain. We visited the local post office, picked up mail, and re-stocked for the next storm that is due this weekend. The official snow accumulation in the mountains was said to be 21 inches. I don't think we got quite that much, but it is possible - there was alot of settling and wind blowing it all around.
On the way down, we ran into Jimmy on the tractor as he worked to clear the snow. It was good to meet him - he has lived up here many years. He looked at our mini-van and just shook

his head. "That city car got all wheel drive?" Well, no, but it has front wheel drive. I think he envisions pulling us out a time or two! He said that to stay in the plowed part of the road or the van would stay where it lands until spring and to not be afraid to walk the four miles from the state-maintained road.
We wore out a snow shovel already...bought a more heavy duty (and heavy!) one that will help build my muscles and get me the exercise the doctor says I must get. I certainly prefer to get it doing something!

I did stop to get a photo of the 'root canal'. we scrapped the sides of the snow bank when we came through on the way home. In anticipation of the winter, I picked up a set of snow chains today also - it has been a really long time since I've had tire chains! Still doesn't solve the low clearance issue, but it is a start. I was nervous we'd get back up the mountain but we did, without the chains. We slide around some and Ann only closed her eyes a couple of times.
It is so incredibly beautiful - amazing but it was crazy in town - everyone was buying salt, shovels, chains, and of course, bread and milk!
We have enough food for the next round that starts this weekend!
Dave & Ann
"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? .....Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matt 6:25 - 34
1 comment:
Your pictures are beautiful!
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