We ventured out, taking two snow shovels and since we were going down-hill, gravity helped alot, even though we bottomed out in the snow a time or two. (photo of road as we decended to left) When we got to the 'root canal' (photos in previous posts), there was only a narrow pathway and I hit it hard, snow flying everywhere and both sides of the car hitting & rubbing in the small snow channel. I knew we were bottoming out, but it was powder so no problem as we cleared the path with the force of the car going down-hill. However, now we have to get back up!
We ran to the post office and the drug store for some things we needed and headed back up the mountain, wanting to be back up before the temperatures dropped and knowing shoveling might be involved.
We leave the pavement and continuing up the state-maintained road without problem and I make the mistake of saying "I really like these snow tires, they do pretty well and the van does pretty well also." Wrong thing to say....
We leave the pavement and continuing up the state-maintained road without problem and I make the mistake of saying "I really like these snow tires, they do pretty well and the van does pretty well also." Wrong thing to say....
I turn into the root canal and wonder if we can make it, back up the hill to get a good running start and ZOOM. We go about 100 feet and the car stops - buried in to the snow. Guess we needed the chains, but the car is wedged into the channel - so out through the windows we go and we start digging the car out. We have to dig out both sides of the four-foot snow banks to access the doors and tires. Then, under the car. we take off the center part of the snow-track on the road and throw it up on the bank - shovel for about an hour and soon a car comes wanting down the mountain - well, they aren't going anywhere for a while.
Eventually, we dig it out enough that we can back the car back down to the state road, and head back in to the root canal with our shovels. As the other car comes down the path (4WD), they stop and tell us that they called Jimmy and he is on the way with the tractor. It's a beautiful day but the temperature is dropping. We continue to shovel a path, confident we can eventually get through, although it is clear it will be hours if we have to do it all by hand.
Jimmy shows up, clearly put out. He blesses me out for not having a 4WD and trying to live on the mountain. "It's not cutsey to live on this mountain and you don't have the vehicle you need.
Bad things happen to people up here; you shouldn't be here." We'll that sure hurts my heart because I really like this guy. I messed it up by telling him it looked like it could be a bit of fun to have such a nice tractor and being able to keep things clear - wrong thing to say. My alterior motive is that I have experience on such a tractor and could help with it but we never got there!
He starts digging out the root canal but still not going down to the gravel, which I just don't understand. Ann and I dig out the chains and chain-up the front wheels. Ann is an expert on putting on chains from her high school days in the mountains just a little north of here, and directs my efforts after I fumbled with it a while. She makes it easy and we're ready.
After a point, Jimmy makes me do a run for it - we get 1/2 way the first time through the root canal before we are stuck and spinning. It's just too narrow - we're rubbing on both sides again. I back out and he fusses at me that I need to stay more in the tracks - like there is somewhere to go, I'm rubbing the snow banks on both sides of the car.....
He digs some more and we make another run for it - 3/4 of the way this time and we bog in the powdery snow. I ask him to widen it a bit and go deeper. He shakes his head, clearly put-out and clears some more and tells me to go again. But, for encouragement and perhaps additional motivation, he says that he's done and if I don't make it this time, we will have to figure something else out. So, we check the chains for tightness, get a big running start, and fly through the channel, snow and debris flying. We get to the 3/4 point and start to bog, but I just keep the pressure on and we grind our way out onto the hard packed surface on the other side; we can make the 4 more miles just fine.
Today the snow turned to rain and what a mess we have. But, it is above freezing and we should be able to get down in a day or two if this
continues and the slush clears a little. I left the chains on for the trip down. We still had some driveway clearing to do, which gave me the opportunity for these beautiful photos as the sun was going down and the colors we so unusal - although the photos don't do it justice. We both crashed when we got into the warm cabin, our quick trip took most of the day and we shoveled a ton of snow.
In devotions this morning, as I read Paul's prayer in Colossians (Ch 1), I felt like Paul was praying for me and was encouraged:
"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. "
Thank you for rescuing us yesterday, but not just yesterday, but everyday. Thank you for Jimmy and his willingness to help us out. I pray we will not weary of doing good. There is much joy that comes from walking with you. May we live worthy of Your name.
Dave & Ann
"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you...." Ephesians 1:18
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