Thursday, October 27, 2011


In an earlier post, I wrote about a recent visit from representatives of a church in Brazil, who has it origins 50-years ago from Japanese immigrants to Brazil, who were from the OMS-founded church in Japan.  God's network is amazing and cannot be defeated.

The CONIM church in Brazil had purchased books for our seminary.  We were in a bit of a quandary as to how to get the books to us from Brazil.  Our shipment is still not delivered after four months and we cannot help but worry about how to get things here from overseas with any kind of surety. I still painfully remember an entire large book bag of our personal books that never made it to Mozambique.

So, the idea was to experiment, send some this way and some that way.  Well, today, a box mailed to our address in Machava, arrived at the down-town post office in Maputo and somehow they linked the OMS address in Machava to our down-town post office box (that seems close to a miracle!), and dropped a note that we had a package.  Melvin picked it up and took it to the seminary.  One box has arrived - and we pray that the other 9 will as well.

In the photo, Dave, Jim Pickett, and Daniel Maduel are inspecting these new portuguese books that are a huge blessing to the seminary and its students.  Thank you Lord!  Thank you CONIM.  May the other 9 boxes make it as well.  These new and current books - what a wonderful wonderful gift from our brothers and sisters in Brazil.  THANK YOU!

Ann is in this picture also - behind the camera!

We had a very encouraging meeting today with our Seminary Director and we had some really great break-throughs in thinking that left Ann and I very encouraged.  Jim is a great addition to our Mozambique team and we praise God that Jim could join us to lead the seminary while Don is on furlough.  


Dave and Ann

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you."  Is 26:3

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