Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our Shipment

Back in July, we shipped a 53 inch square waxed cardboard crate to Mozambique by sea because air cargo shipments are virtually impossible for individuals to or from the States right now due to Homeland security requirements.  It is full of ministry related things as well as an electronic piano.  We received a call from our clearing agent in Mozambique today saying that our shipment was at the port and he hoped to have it cleared through customs by next Tuesday.  Pray with us this will go well; you can rapidly accrue very high storage and port costs if there are delays.  Pray for favor with regard to any duty we will have to pay.

In addition, we have a team from Brazil arriving tomorrow.  It's an exciting thing - the National Church founded by OMS so many years ago is now to the point of desiring to send their own missionaries overseas.  This is a great opportunity and of course, they come already fluent in the language.  We will be getting them at the airport in the morning for this survey trip.  This is why we love OMS - we pray that someday our church here in Mozambique will be self-sufficient and passionate about the job of the church as give by Jesus in Matthew 28:  Go and make disciples, locally and in all the world (my paraphrase).

They have already sent some books from Brazil to help with the seminary program.  Wonderful partnering together for the cause of Christ.

As an aside; we lost a great innovator in Steven Jobs yesterday.  Thank you Steve for this wonderful Apple computer I'm using, the touch-screen phone we use every day, and the ability to talk and see our Grandson grow via "Face Time," which is to Skype what a Mazda Miata is to a Model T.  May God open his arms to you and cover you with His grace and mercy.


Dave & Ann

We will all someday...

"fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives for ever and ever.  [We will] lay our crowns before the throne and say:
You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for You created all things
and by Your will, they were created
and have their being."
Rev. 4:10-11

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