We have quite a list of Mozambican friends we wanted to reconnect with and haven't had the time to do so as of yet. So today, we set aside the urgent and the foolish, for the important.

We were able to spend some time with Reggie and Melita, a precious couple that just enter into your heart. Many missionaries have invested in this couple, including the Shacklefords, the Theissens, the Glancys, to mention a few. This couple married during our last term and they live far north of Maputo, but Reggie commutes by the dangerous mini-buses each day to work in administration at Central Hospital in town-down Maputo - a commute of about 2 hours each way. On the weekends, he is leading a church near his home; a church they started and that now has about 90 people attending on a given Sunday. He is a layman, leading a successful church.

We were able to visit with them in their home today and bring greetings and a gift from Mike and Sarah Theissen, which was such a blessing to them. We looked through their photograph album, and it was clear the importance that all of the above mentioned people were in their lives. We were greatly encouraged by our time with them and it is always a reminder to me of why we are here: to invest in the lives of Mozambicans who want to reach their nation for Christ. So often we get distracted by things that just don't matter in the time-line of eternity.
Melita has had some surgery that could impact her ability to have children, which is something they desire. Pray with us that God would do a miracle in their life. Also, they live in an area that is difficult, with much drug activity, drinking, and the like, and it makes it difficult for them to minister there. They asked for us to pray for a moving of God's Spirit across their Bairro (neighborhood). In addition, they are trying to get a small store going in front of their house as there is no nearby store for food and the like. It is a great dream, and thanks to Gene and Francis, they have this nice container to use as a store; they just need a bit more work on it. The cover provides protection from the heat and the rain - as the roof of the container isn't all that good.

It's a challenging thing - here is a case where strategic investing in a couple did not build dependency, but they have continued to be self-sufficient in the face of considerable challenges, to serve Christ where they live. There was great wisdom by those who came before us to invest in this wonderful couple.

We found some new roads today, and several times were very thankful for the 4-wheel drive - used it much today. Even went over to a small island today north of Maputo by ferry to check out some potential sites for the annual team retreat held each February. We prefer something close to Maputo if possible. We held our breath on the ferry, sure that we were way overloaded with six cars and 50 plus people on a boat designed for two cars, but it went well! The photo shows the one life jacket we could all share 'in-community'.

On the way back, we were able to connect with a young lady from our home church, Sam Peat, who has been working at Arco-Iris orphanage the entire time we were on furlough. We were so concerned we wouldn't connect with her before she left. It was great to spend a little time with a friend from home. She was friends with a couple of our daughters.
Blessings this day.
Dave and Ann
"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." Titus 3:9
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