So, yes, we are alive and well and Karlene is not suffering too much from sleeping in the rain and surviving on bugs, ants, and worms! ;-) Proof positive is in the photo.
The trip north went quite well and we were pleased that some of the worst roads at least had patches on the patches, which really improved the overall ride and we got back with no flat tires - a first! We traveled a shade under 4000 km in about a week. We took up seven boxes of bibles, many supplies, and two of our Christian Micro-enterprise Development fellows traveled with us as well. Two hard days of travel each way. The ferry crossing went well and we could see great progress on the great bridge being built over the Zambezie River. They are pushing to a June completion date and it might actually be possible - speeding up the trip by a couple of hours maybe plus taking the pressure off - the ferry has limited hours, a two-hour lunch period, and there is no where we stay if you miss it. We got the last ride over on the way up, for example!
Our air conditioner went out in the first three hours, but we were able to arrange a re-charge in Xai-Xai and continue on after picking up the Bibles. Our friends at the Weslyan mission helped connect us with an honest mechanic. Networking is so important here. We have a very small leak that we've not be able to find yet and that is fustrating in this climate where we really need the air conditioning in the car. It lasts about three months on one recharge - a very small leak but still an inconvenience and expense we'd like to eliminate!
The first photograph is of us standing on some land we have purchased for a training center in the Mocuba area. It includes Antonio, his wife Theresa and their son Jori, Dave, Ann, Karlene, and Juka. We continue to work to finalize this beautiful peace of property, currently planted in corn, bananas, and pineapples. Our plan is to build a training center for our church multiplication program, including limited housing to accommodate guests, visiting pastors, and someone to just keep an eye on things. It will also double as a seminary extension center someday. All it takes is a little money!

One really exciting thing happened that I must write about briefly. In January we took a Men for Missions Team (MFMI) into this area. At one location, we were unable to get to a cetain church because of the roads and we didn't want to leave the cars far from where we would need to walk to. So, the church came to us and we had a service in a public shelter near the dirt track road but actually quite a ways from the church. People from the surrounding area came to hear our preaching and singing and we have learned that since that time, the people of the area approached the church planters in the area about establishing a church plant at that location - and it was and has been functioning as a church since our visit in January. So, MFMI group (Kent, Berry, Michael, Shawnee) - you started a church! Praise the Lord! They taught all the people a 'round' song in English and everyone had fun with it. We tested it on our trip and the people remembered the song, but we were able to change it to Portuguese because one of the verses from the Bible they read that morning was exactly the words of the song - (another one of those mere coincidences we see all the time!). It was a great time and encouragement to have us visit them again so soon. But, we only touched briefly a few of the more than 50 churches that have sprouted up in this area in the last 18 or so months and long to visit more in the future. The photograph is of the shelter and the people with the MFMI team last January.
We'd like to have had more time in the area - we need to visit an area called Milange where another movement of church multiplication seems to be developing. We also need to check on our other works in the north on a more frequent basis as well - we have recently learned of some challenges in a few areas. But, I need to share the story later when I have the facts straight. It seems here that the 'facts' on stories change so much, you must proceed carefully without reacting.
Tomorrow, Karlene speaks at Chapel at our Christian School, while we try to get our passports from immigration (visa renewal time) and take our regional director to the airport. Then, we have a long list of people wanting to talk with us from being gone for a week plus deal with a couple of challenges. The days are certainly full!
On a sadder note, a dear friend of ours has passed after a brilliantly courageous battle against cancer. A sweet lady who passed through this earth, making a mighty splash in her energy, enthusiasm, and friendliness to all. God has answered our prayers in His perfect way as she has marched into the gates of heaven to the shouting of the angels. You are home and we look forward to sitting with you in Heaven to catch up with you dear Margie. Father God, fill those dear ones who remain and grieve with Your presence, comfort, and love. Amen.
Dave & Ann
"For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30;5
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