One of the fun things we get to do here is visit all of our different churches - it's like being a member of a bunch of churches and we truly love each one of them. Today, we went back out to Picoco to check on the well and visit with this newer church. We had made the arrangements before we knew it was going to be raining hard today, but we managed to make it out just fine. Our normal car is in the shop being repaired after the grueling trip to the north (parts had to be ordered from Japan) and we are renting a mission car from our Christian School in the interim. We ran it through the paces today as we slipped our way through the mud, water, and torrents of water.
The photograph is of the well at Picoco - it's like pulling teeth to finish this thing (no offence, Dr. Fran!) We are still waiting for the top pump assembly and this next week is the third "it'll be done next week" we've heard since getting back from our work in Northern Mozambique. It's a nice base and it has a drain field on the far end for mosquito control.
In the middle of church, the pastor leaned over to me and said "you are going to preach today, right? It's the first time you've visited here in 2009 and so the church wants you to preach." So, I did as God really had put something on my heart - in Portuguese (no English-speakers in this particular church) with the pastor translating to

I love this church (don't I say it about all of them?) - it is full of people who are joyful in the Lord and when you leave, there is no doubt that you have been in the presence of God. The singing and dancing is especially wonderful although they still laugh with me at my apparent disability - my feet don't seem to move well when I'm singing! (That's two things at the same time - singing and dancing!)
Happy Sunday dear friends.
Dave & Ann
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Chorus from Ps 118; 24)
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