On the other side is sad news about our well at Intaka and generally about Intaka in general. We received a call that the well had been stolen at night. We found that hard to believe as it is no small task to unbolt a well, dismantle it, pull the rods, and put it in a truck all within easy earshot of numerous homes of church members. To top it off, there is some sort of strife within the

Today, I drove out to Intaka with a visitor from OMS, and confirmed the well was indeed gone, along with some damage to the inner casing that I think is more of a sabotage thing. It's all fixable but experience has taught us that the culture has a way of bringing these kinds of things around. The church and denomination has posted a reward for information leading to..... so we shall see. I talked to some people we know nearby and learned that indeed a car stopped there late one night and that was about all I could get - no one was talking. There is lots of gossip and finger pointing and the police are involved, but we just don't know anything. I drove by very similar wells that are around (although not close) and this seems to be the only one that was affected. We are praying that something good will come of this and I hate to admit it, but I'm praying for God to have His way with the culprits.
So, heartbreak and jubiliation; life here challenges the emotions on a regular basis.

People do come and go, for yesterday Lon arrived from OMS headquarters to do some filming and documentary work and so he is also with us and we are enjoying introducing him to the work here.
"Arise, O LORD! O God, lift up Your hand! Do not forget the humble." Ps 10:12
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