The night sky was like something I had never seen in my life. The milky way just jumped out and it was as if I could reach up and touch it, to the point I actually tried to. The stars were sparkling and twinkling and I could detect reds and greens and blues in some of the light. I turned around and around trying to drink in the absolute incredible breadth and vastness of it all. The southern cross just leaped out of the sky and I could only stare at the absolutely breath-taking glory of the heavens and is seemed as if God were speaking in a shout for all to see, "I am here, I am with you, I am your Creator and God". I was brought to my knees and my life flashed before me as I was brought low in awe of our awesome God.
"Dave, are you ok?....Dave, Dave.." The phone finally pulling me back to my senses.
"Oh, sorry Don, I was just blown away by the majesty of the sky up here. I just exited a house in a rural area and wasn't expecting this." I could sense his smile. "Yes, it is really incredible, isn't it? I know exactly what you are talking about for I have felt the same thing many times when out away from the light pollution of the cities."
We shared a few minutes than then it was back to business.
Yes, He is glorious and everlasting....All of heaven cries out....
"The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork." Ps 19:1
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse..." Romans 1:20
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